Tuesday, January 22, 2013

CC: Everyone

You don't scare me. You did at one point. You made me anxious, and shaky, and you made me want to cry. I was fearful of what you thought. I wanted you to like me. Scratch that, I wanted you to love me. To think about me as much as I thought about you. I was a little obsessed by it, to be completely truthful. I used to imagine one thousand different ways for me to walk into a room. Wind blowing my hair, light shining on me like the Virgin Mary. I used to think of all the ways to make you wonder about me. Ask about me. Talk to me.

But I don't anymore. I don't give two shits about what you think. I don't hope for you to love me, want me, come up to me. You've done absolutely nothing for me to get anything from me. You didn't care, you didn't ask if I was okay. You did nothing but care for yourself like the selfish person you are. I don't owe you anything. I don't owe you explanations, or a god damned second to speak. None of you have done anything for me. I know that for a fact.

I have gotten here completely on my own. I don't remember the last time anyone has asked me if I was okay. If I needed help. If I needed someone to talk to, or hold me if even for a moment. I have spent countless nights crying, stressing, and planning my way out of every single situation without the likes of you. So I don't care anymore.

Because I'm going somewhere without you. Without your help and without your love. And you better fucking believe you
are not worthy enough to let the words that are my name slip through those selfish lips of yours.

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