Friday, January 20, 2012


"When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on." -Franklin D. Roosevelt
The heart of a hummingbird beats over 250 beats per minute. I always wondered how such delicate tiny things survived the challenges of constantly flying around with such movement.

How is it that a tiny bird weighing less than a couple of stones can continue their life so relentlessly..and I can hardly stay alert a whole day?

I'm beginning to feel exhausted by the mundane projects I have compiled throughout the day. Just driving to the gas station makes me want to climb right back into bed and hit the fast forward button to tomorrow.

I feel I'm growing old in these bones and have a lack of motivation for anything, really. I wake up, go to work, come home, take a nap, grab some food, and then fall asleep. I have nothing that excites me, nothing I feel I'm doing differently than the day before.

I always wonder about hummingbirds. They will crash into the same window without falter, thinking the time that follows will differ from the one that preceded it. So why can't I do the same?

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